“Litza reported how much her skin had improved and how she now had much more confidence”.
Litza was a 30-year-old professional woman suffering from severe acne and scarring. She was in utter despair and didn’t know where to turn. She worried her partner might leave her because of her skin. Litza’s condition was as bad as I have ever seen.
Following testing, it was found that Litza had Toxoplasma, as well as food sensitivities to gluten and soy.
Litza was a great client to work with. She jumped in and followed the programme almost 100% to the letter. She cut out the food she was sensitive to, had infrared saunas, as advised, and used the essential oils recommended.
After working with me, Litza reported how much her skin had improved and how she now had much more confidence.
She has also gone on to marry her partner and started a family.
“Holly now has much more confidence, especially at work, enjoys her social life and no longer has to wear makeup to go out of the house”.
Holly was a 28-year-old personal trainer suffering from acne when she first came to see me. Holly had terrible breakouts and felt embarrassed and like a ‘fraud’ when training her clients, as she didn’t think she was the perfect example of what it meant to be healthy.
Even though she was a personal trainer and was trained in nutrition, she didn’t realise the food she ate caused her acne and affected her overall health.
Following a few lab tests, it was discovered that Holly had fungal and parasite infections as well as food sensitivities to gluten, egg and soy.
Holly changed her diet as advised, following her Metabolic Typing® diet, eliminating sensitive foods and following a plan to reduce her fungal and parasite infections to help heal her gut.
The programme worked a treat for Holly, and she was completely spot-free relatively quickly once the programme was in full flow. She now has much more confidence, especially at work, enjoys her social life and no longer has to wear makeup to go out of the house, which she really loves.

“Esther noticed a great improvement very quickly, which greatly improved her confidence levels”.
Esther was in her forties when I met her through a friend. She had really bad breakouts and was very embarrassed about her skin. Her acne was so bad that even applying makeup couldn’t conceal it, and she tried many different facials and cleaning routines without success.
Esther purchased the first edition of my book Axe Adult Acne after chatting with me, and in a very short period of time, she improved her diet especially reducing sugar and flour intake and she noticed a great improvement very quickly, which greatly improved her confidence levels. She now uses much less makeup than before because she doesn’t need to conceal her acne.
Suffice it to say, she was very pleased with the progress in a short period of time and looked forward to continued improvements and a further reduction in the frequency and severity of breakouts as she made her way through the book.
“Sharon’s skin is consistently great, her stomach pain has vanished, her energy levels increased, and her weight, particularly around her middle reduced”.
Sharon was a 52-year-old who worked in finance. She had unpredictable breakouts and suffered from stomach pains, was exhausted, and had insomnia. Following lab testing, it was found that she had a leaky gut, minor infections, HPA Axis dysregulation (which meant she was chronically stressed) and a range of food sensitivities.
Sharon followed my advice changing her diet and lifestyle, including the elimination of sensitive foods and supplementation to help heal the gut and support adrenal function.
Sharon began to feel so much better within days.
She is now sleeping through the night, which she is ecstatic about, her skin is consistently great, her stomach pain has vanished, her energy levels increased, and her weight, particularly around her middle reduced with what she described as ‘absolutely no effort on my part, other than following Leigh’s revised eating plan.’
“In a matter of weeks, Leah’s skin was back to normal”.
Leah was a 27-year-old who worked in insurance. Leah hadn’t ever made much of an effort to eat healthily, and she loved chocolate. Before the age of 27, she ate ‘whatever she wanted’, and she had maintained a very healthy figure and completely clear skin. It was a big shock to her when she broke out for the first time in her life and just months away from her wedding. Leah was in a panic because she didn’t want bad skin on her wedding day.
After testing, it was found that Leah had a minor dysbiosis and parasite infection that may or may not have been causing health issues (sometimes parasites can be present without causing problems).
I advised Leah on her nutrition and lifestyle and helped improve her gut microbiome. A few months in, there was some, but not much, improvement in Leah’s skin, and she was in a state of panic.
At that point, I tested for heavy metals, and it turned out that Leah had very high levels of mercury in her blood. When explaining the potential causes, I mentioned that fish, especially tuna, has mercury in it. It turns out that Leah had eaten tuna for lunch every day for years. I advised Leah to use liposomal glutathione to help remove the mercury from the blood, and in a matter of weeks, Leah’s skin was back to normal.
“Simon reported that his skin was as good as it had been in a long time, and he has now experienced the longest spell without breakouts since he was a teenager”.
Simon suffered from acne as a teenager and at the age of 21, began taking the antibiotic erythromycin. The erythromycin didn’t work, and as a last resort, he took Accutane for four to five months. Whilst Simon had some good days on Accutane, he still had breakouts.
Simon was constantly anxious whenever the inevitable would happen and his skin would break out. From the age of 23-25, Simon went back on erythromycin, and again, the results were disappointing.
Simon came to see me at the age of 31 and immediately changed his diet, especially reducing foods that would spike his blood sugar. He introduced some essential supplements, started drinking more water, and reduced his alcohol intake to almost zero.
At the same time Simon started working with me, his doctor prescribed antibiotics for what he thought was Lyme disease, which was later diagnosed as a fungal rash.
Following the antibiotics, Simon started Saccharomyces Boulardii to help rebalance his gut microbiome.
A couple of months in, Simon reported that his skin was as good as it had been in a long time and he has now experienced the longest spell without breakouts since he was a teenager.
Simon is no longer anxious about experiencing breakouts because he knows he’s in control of how his skin looks via his lifestyle choices, which has been very liberating for him.
“Within a few weeks, Amir’s skin improved to the point where he had clear skin for the first time in 30 years”..
Amir was a 42-year-old professional man suffering from acne. He was overweight, suffering from low confidence, and had very low energy levels when he first came to me. He was also spending £400 per month on products to cover up his acne.
His skin was very oily, his face and scalp were covered in acne, and he worried it might start to affect his work.
Upon testing his gut microbiome, it was discovered that he did have a minor imbalance of gut microbes, including Staphylococcus Aureus, which is often linked to skin conditions.
He had hormone imbalances, which would have affected his energy levels and a number of food sensitivities that may have also caused his acne.
He was a slow starter in terms of changing his diet and lifestyle, and his progress was initially slow to non-existent. Amir was also given supplementation to help rebalance his gut microbiome and hormones.
A few months into the programme, we had a little heart-to-heart, and I made it clear to him that unless he fully committed to the programme, he simply wasn’t going to be successful. I half-expected Amir to throw in the towel at that point, but to my surprise, it was just the kick up the backside he needed.
He knuckled down and started eating right for his Metabolic Type®, finally started eliminating sugar from his diet (with a lot of perseverance), and within a few weeks, his skin improved to the point where he had clear skin for the first time in 30 years.
and finally achieve clear, radiant skin