Eliminate Your Adult Acne
for Good
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As Seen In:
Will You Be The Next Success Story?

“Holly now has much more confidence, especially at work, enjoys her social life and no longer has to wear makeup to go out of the house”.

Holly was a 28-year-old personal trainer suffering from acne when she first came to see me. Holly had terrible breakouts and felt embarrassed and like a ‘fraud’ when training her clients, as she didn’t think she was the perfect example of what it meant to be healthy.
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“Litza reported how much her skin had improved and how she now had much more confidence”.

Litza was a 30-year-old professional woman suffering from severe acne and scarring. She was in utter despair and didn’t know where to turn. She worried her partner might leave her because of her skin. Litza’s condition was as bad as I have ever seen.

Following testing, it was found that Litza had Toxoplasma, as well as food sensitivities to gluten and soy.

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About Leigh Brandon
Leigh is an author and holistic health expert with almost 30 years of experience working with clients. He cured his own severe cystic acne in the year 2000 through a combination of various teachers, the knowledge he gained, and personal experience, sparking his passion for health and wellness. Leigh has studied various disciplines, including holistic dermatology, nutrition, and functional medicine, to name a few, providing a holistic approach to his clients that has proven effective where other methods have failed.
How I Can Help You
The Book
Are you fed up with products that don’t work? Are you ready to take control of your acne once and for all? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to regain your confidence and self-esteem?

If you’ve tried everything to overcome your acne and nothing has worked, it’s most likely because you haven’t addressed the underlying causes. Many people waste a lot of time and money visiting professionals who only suggest products and pharmaceuticals that treat the symptoms rather than address the underlying causes. This leaves many in despair, not knowing where to turn.

The Coaching Program
Are you tired of dealing with acne as an adult? Have you tried countless products and medications with no lasting results? It’s time to say goodbye to acne for good with our natural acne coaching programme.

Our programme is designed to help adults just like you overcome acne without the need for harsh medications like isotretinoin, birth control, antibiotics, or benzoyl peroxide. Our approach focuses on addressing the root causes of acne from the inside out, so you can achieve clear, healthy skin without any harmful side effects.

Uncover the truth about acne medications

and finally achieve clear, radiant skin

Sign up now to receive the first 2 chapters of my book for free!
The Podcast
Welcome to The Adult Adult Podcast! If you’re an adult who is struggling with acne and feeling like you’ve tried every solution out there with no success, you’re in the right place.

I’m Leigh Brandon, and I personally battled acne for 18 years. Through my own journey, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t when it comes to treating adult acne successfully and naturally.

In each episode, I’ll share my tips and insights on how you can overcome your acne without resorting to harsh treatments like isotretinoin, birth control, antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid. From discussing lifestyle changes to natural skincare remedies, I’m here to help you find a solution that works for you.

Whether you’re looking for guidance, support, or just more information on how to combat adult acne, join me on this journey to clear and healthy skin. Let’s tackle acne together, naturally.

Claim Your Call
To schedule your Acne Breakthrough Call, simply click on the button below